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添加时间:Simon:Forced tech transfer was probably necessary in an earlier stage of development. Today China is in a position of strength, where any forced or inappropriate transfer of technology should be abandoned. I think both countries should also stop to think of German or Chinese companies. Companies as such have no nationality. A German company which runs a good factory in China is a blessing for China. And a Chinese company which runs a good factory in Germany is a blessing for Germany. I often say that German companies have to become Chinese, and in the same vein Chinese companies have to become German. The consulting company I founded, Simon-Kucher & Partners, has employees from 68 countries who work in 38 offices all over the world. Our origin is in Germany, but we are not a German company. In Beijing and Shanghai we are a Chinese company, all our employees there are Chinese. I personally think that we have transcended the state of nationalism in our company. But the politicians and most people are still thinking in national, if not nationalistic terms. The result is what we see today in the trade tensions and the danger that global value chains are destroyed.
蔚来汽车的交付也曾经历过多次“跳票”:2017年底,在蔚来ES 8发布会上,李斌曾承诺ES 8将于2018年3月正式交付,但在今年2月,公司又宣称将交付时间推迟到4月下旬;随后由于产品安全性检验原因,称需推迟至5月初;直到5月31日,蔚来才将首批10辆ES 8交付给内部员工,6月28日开启了外部交付。